

- cultural activity
- share German Christmas Traditions with Erasmus students
- catch up on celebrating one of the most important Holidays in Germany
Since we couldn't celebrate Christmas due to the pandemic, one of our mambers had the idea to celebrate the half way wo christmas.
We celebrated outside, in Jena Paradiespark, got some cosy light chains out, had a nice advent wreath and put on a mix of international and German Christmas music. Of course the Christmas tree was there as well, shining and sparkeling with all its decorations. Some local ESN volunteers made traditional German Christmas cookies like Vanillekipferl that were given out for free for everybody to try. Due to the heat it was impossible to give out traditionall mullet wine, to finance the event. This is why we decided to sell Sangria instead, for that we took the recipe from a Spanish ESN volunteer. To get the real get-together family feeling, some of our volunteers prepared Christmas songs on the guitar, printed out the lyrics and we sang them together later in the night. On top of that we did Secret Santa, where anybody coud bring a random gift to exchange it with somebody else.
All in one we had a fabulous Half way to Christmas and got much positive feedback.