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Volunteering promoting the Erasmus+ program
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Goal of the Activity

The goal of the activity was to teach the erasmus that has just arrived to teach how to make a perfect trash collection, all in a fun way, since they always have problems the first times.


siete pronti a vivere la notte più verde dell'anno per uno sballo ecosostenibile e tanto trash? 
Una serata all'insegna del riciclo, dove affronteremo tra i tanti temi anche quello del funzionamento della raccolta differenziata nel nostro paese.

Ti sembra noioso?! 
Non ti preoccupare, partiremo con un piccolo aperitivo all'italiana  per sciogliere il ghiaccio e concluderemo la nostra serata con una serie di giochi divertenti e molto originali.
Quest'evento prevede risate assicurate e tanto trash!

Cosa stai aspettando?! 
Unisciti a noi per questa serata spettacolare e vieni a conoscere tutti i segreti per un riciclo perfetto.

Quanto costa? 5€ , cibo e bevande incluse
Quando? Martedi 4 ottobre, ore 19:30
Dove? Centro Giovani Federale
Abbigliamento? indossa qualcosa di verde o abiti costruiti con materiale riciclato o riutilizza abiti usati.

Are you ready to experience the greenest night of the year for an eco-friendly and trash high? 
An evening dedicated to recycling, where we will address among the many issues also that of the operation of separate collection in our country.

Is that boring?! 
Don’t worry, we’ll start with a little Italian aperitif to melt the ice and end our evening with a series of fun and very original games.

This event includes guaranteed laughter and lots of trash!

What are you waiting for?! 
Join us for this spectacular evening and come to know all the secrets for a perfect recycling.

How much? 5€, food and drink included
When? Tuesday 4th of October, at 7:30pm
Where? Centro Giovani Federale
 Dress code? Wear something green or clothes made with recycled material or reuse used clothes

Mostra meno

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8 Logo of the SDG Goal 11 Logo of the SDG Goal 12 Logo of the SDG Goal 13
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster Active Citizenship & Volunteering
Reducing Waste and Promoting Recycling
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
Slow and Sustainable Tourism
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