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german night
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Frankfurt Am Main
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Causes covered by this activity
Type of activity
Goal of the Activity

The German culture night introduced the Erasmi to key facts about Germany in a fun and interactive way. Our goal was not only to welcome them to their new host country, but also present our culture night concept (previously we did one for example for Ukraine) to motivate more students to take the initiative and organize one for their own country in the future.


English below

Liebe Erasmi und Internationals,

herzlich Willkommen in Deutschland! Seid ihr schon gespannt, was euch hier erwartet? Bei diesem Event wollen wir euch mit einer kurzen Präsentation ein paar Fakten über unser Land und die Deutsche Kultur vorstellen. 🇩🇪

Im Anschluss daran habt ihr die Möglichkeit, euer Wissen im Rahmen eines Kahoot Quizzes zu testen. Es gibt auch einen kleien Preis für den Gewinner ;)

Außerdem werden wir wie immer bei unseren "culture nights" ein paar typisch deutsche Snacks und Getränke für euch zum probieren haben . 🥨🍻

Wir freuen uns auf euch! ☺️🙌


A warm welcome to Germany everyone! Are you curious about how it will be to live here? We got you covered and prepared a short presentation about German culture. The event will be held predominantly in English, but maybe we can also teach you a few new German words ;) There will also be a Kahoot quiz about Germany with a little prize for the winner. 🏆

And of course, like on all our culture nights, we will have traditional food and drinks from the country. Can´t wait to see you there!

OK Prost 🍏

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Counter Stereotypes & Embrace Cultural Differences
Foster Intercultural Dialogue
Showcase Cultural Heritage
This activity was organised by: