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Kids doing an activity in a school
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Causes covered by this activity
Goal of the Activity

The goal of the activity was to raise awareness and understanding of the basics of gender equality to the volunteer of twolocal sections in ESN Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
After the workshop the participants are able to:
1. Understand the differences between sex, gender identity and gender expression.
2. Define equality, equity, discrimination,
3. Learn how youth organisations can take action in fostering gender equality.


What: Workshop "Gender Equality 101"
Where: University of Sarajevo – School of Economics and Business, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Who: 1 Eduk8 facilitator and 14 participants from two sections of ESN Bosnia and Herzegovina volunteering locally and nationally. 
When: June 29th, from 14:00 - 16:00

The workshop was created and delivered by Merima Selimović and was influenced by several workshops from Eduk8 Starter 2024. 
The participants had different levels of experience with the topic of gender equality, though overall, their knowledge was limited. This proves the point that there is a necessity for more educational workshops on gender equality for the youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Session Structure

The session, which lasted for two hours, began with an activity designed to help participants understand the definitions of sex, gender identity, and gender expression. Following this, participants were encouraged to reflect on societal gender norms and their impact on personal lives.

The next activity focused on defining gender stereotypes, gender discrimination, and microaggressions. In this context, participants engaged in discussions about the concepts of equality, equity, and reality as they relate to gender norms.

Subsequently, participants were divided into groups and rotated between stations to brainstorm and share ideas on three key areas:

Promoting inclusive language,
Organizing inclusive ESN events,
Raising awareness about gender equality.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 5 Logo of the SDG Goal 10
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Gender Equality

This activity is part of the project:

Inclusivity for All, Now!
This activity was organised by: