To say the last goodbye to the ERASMUS students who didn't already leave
All excellent times have their end, don’t they?
Let’s finish this Erasmus adventure the oposite way we started it: #TOGETHER!
Once upon a time there were many Erasmus students who came to Timișoara to pursue their dreams of #meeting new people, #travelling to as many places as possible and gathering #memories made out of all the quality time and funny moments they would make.
Spring is coming and the farewell is close, but the adventure does not end here, dears! It is only the #beginning!
Join Erasmus Student Network - ESN Timisoara for the #farewellparty.
The #future is ours! The future will always be Erasmus! Once Erasmus, always Erasmus!
WHEN? Friday, 10th February, at 23:00
WHERE? Blend Inn