

The goal of this activity was to engage local youth (but not only) on a creative project about Europe.
Another goal was to highlight European stories and diversity with the exposition. Depending on the audience such a presentation can minimize prejudices by putting closer local youth and European countries.
The exposition was also a great opportunity for us to work with the local organizations and partners for this project.
We organize an exposition on European legends. The exposition is moving between places in Nancy during the month of May (Library, University buildings,...).
To prepare the exposition we used the legends from a website that create content about Europe called Europe is not dead. Then we organize the illustration of each legend (one per country). The result is 27 A2 papers with on one side the story of one country and on the other side, the legend pictured by the participants. We received drawings from various people: kids who wanted to see their drawing in an exposition, but also a few professionals who wanted to take part in such an event.
We are planning, in the future, to use this exposition for Erasmus In Schools.