Students learn more about each other's languages and culture.
Tere! Привіт! Hej! Hola! გამარჯობა! Ciao! Salam! Salut! ওহে , Dia Dhaoibh 👋😄
Do you recognize all of them?
How about the rest of the languages in the world??
Join us for a buzzing night at our partner Satumaa! Meet new people, get to know different cultures and start learning new languages, or practice those you already know, or maybe even make up new ones. We will have several games on spot and you will be able to have an excuse to meet with new people if you are up for a challenge! It’s all up to you what you speak this night, any tongue is welcome 😉
🍻✨Don’t forget to bring your ESNcard to get a discount at the bar!!✨🍻
❔WHAT: ESN Language and Culture Exchange
⏰WHEN: Wednesday, 8th of May at 19:30
📍WHERE: Satumaa Karaoke Bar
Cuio mae!
ESN Tallinn ❤️