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Goal of the Activity

The main objective was to raise awareness on the issue of inclusion and safety during events, both on the logistical side (through the selection of suitable facilities for each type of need) and on the "human" side. 

Other goals were:

  • providing clear information about violence, consent and aggression
  • providing ESN volunteers with tools and solutions to promote social inclusion and safety during their events and daily activities
  • offering training support to local sections
  • inspiring ESN volunteers to take action on the topic

Having finally resumed in-person activities after years of being forced behind a screen, we decided to include safety at events and social inclusion as long-term goals.The project began with a training session held during our second National Platform (general assembly event that takes place 4 times a year) concerning the topic of safety and violence. In addition, we introduced a safe team composed of board members. The aim of the workshop was to understand what the concept of safety and inclusion was according to the members taking part in the event, through the use of post-it notes. The workshop was held by Christine Drosne (ESN France, a Country that has already lot of experience on the topic) in collaboration with Martina Migliorini (member of the Italian Pool of Trainers). In addition a differentiated social program was introduced to all National events. This made it possible to provide two different types of social programs: one for those who preferred a quiet evening and one for those who preferred to celebrate. Safe Team members then divided equally for both of the proposed social programs so that they were always present toward all participants and did not make anyone feel left out because of their choices.  

Afterwards, through the results obtained, we analyzed possible fields and topics to work on both as National Board and for the Sections of ESN Italy. We thus began to bring workshops to the various local schools to raise awareness of the topic and trying to have a safe team introduced at each event both local and national. Then, with the help of the Social Inclusion Team, we held an online workshop in collaboration with a medical professional. The aim was to talk about Violence and Social Inclusion and how to act to counter any phenomena that might occur. Once we had properly prepared the Sections of ESN Italy, and concluded the review of the Code of Conduct by ESN AISBL, we began to try to understand how we could structure an ESN Italy Code of Conduct. Another session will be held during the next National Platform and it will be also the beginning of a consultation process with the Sections in order to develop and finalize our Code of Conduct.


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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups
Gender Equality
Inclusive Education
This activity was organised by: