Keeping in touch with each other
Let's keep up the great Erasmus spirit and have the right start into the week: Monday ESN International Stammtisch, get the chance to meet your buddies, local members, and future best friends.
This time REPRESENT YOUR COUNTRY, show your home-traditions and culture, bring your flag or wear a typical costume.. !
For those of you who are somehow still wondering what exactly this "Stammtisch" is, it translates as a "table reserved for the regulars". Are you one of us? Come on, you are all welcome of course!
Let's get back together to our International Stammtisch, which will, unsurprisingly, be at the delightful Wohnzimmer - you know, that bar on the other side of the bridge next to the main university and home of "Bananaweizen" (give it a go, it's great and only €3.50 with your ESN card).
Meet us
Every Monday, from 20:00
MOTTO: represent your country
See ya there:)