Create a fun and epic event for international students all over Europe.
Hi peops!
ESN sections from 5 countries are proud to bring you this truly epic event,
The event you have never seen before!
⦿‣ It brings together international students from many countries and universities, which is just impossible to do physically due to the distance.
⦿‣ It has a big choice of fun stuff to do: speed dating, fun games and drinking games, and other.
⦿‣ It lets you socialize, find new friends, have fun, and party!
⦿‣ It is open for all international students (and not only)!
It's time to get together and have a fun night, no matter how far we are from each other!
Just register, get prepared for the night, and let the show begin!
Cheers, and see ya there!
Made by:
ESN Saint-Louis Brussels, ESN Tromsø, ESN Porto, ESN Rotterdam, ESN UG Gdańsk, ESN ULiège.