Get cozy with us and make new friends! 🎲 Nothing better than through board games!
The goal is to get to know fellow exchange students and hang out with board games also with their local tutors.
Get cozy with us and make new friends! 🎲 Nothing better than through board games! There will also be some snacks and if you own great games, do bring them with you. We're excited to see you!
Tickets will be available on for free from 03.01.2023 at 15:00, so make sure to get one and tell your friends as well!
The more the merrier 😃
WHAT: Board game evening
WHEN: 05.01.2023 at 14:30 - 17:00
WHERE: The University Main Building A05, A07 and A08
Noise: Quiet event, possible conversation and quiet background music
Crowd: 50 people expected in 3 different rooms
Accessibility: Accessible terrain for everyone
Alcohol: Alcohol-free event
This event is harrasment free - if you face any inappropriate behavior, you can contact [email protected] to get help confidentially.
ESN FINTin järjestämät tapahtumat ovat avoimia kaikille kansainvälismielisille opiskelijoille, mukaan lukien suomalaiset tutkinto-opiskelijat! Tulkaa rohkeasti vaan mukaan tapahtumiimme nauttimaan kansainvälisestä ilmapiiristä 😊. Tiedoksi vielä että näissä tapahtumissa ensisijainen käyttökieli on englanti, mutta usein vaihtarit haluavat myös kovasti harjoitella suomen kielen käyttämistä.