
The main goal of the activity was making children aware abouth the culture differences, stereotypes, and how they influence in our way to interact with people from other countries.
The activity took part in two different classrooms, one with 26 children (12 years old) and another one with 22 children (15 years old). Both lasted around 50' and consisted in a initial presentation of the Erasmus+ programme (5'). After that, they focused on the presentations of their countries (15') and the rest of the time was invested in talking about culture and the problems of understanding due to cultural differences in the class of the older students, and playing games about stereotypes and culture in the class of the youngest.
Both teachers of the school were really satisfied with the interaction between local students and erasmus. Also the erasmus, enjoyed the experience and shared moments with the local students who had a really nice class and learnt about different cultures.