Upon seeing how people were reacting during the first rounds, this time we took a bit different
approach and asked more direct questions, resulting into even deeper conversations. As
expected, people from away from ESN did, indeed, need a bit more time to think about their
answers and were not aware of as many possibilities as ESN students, however we believe this
Focus Group helped them broaden their knowledge and might help them to participate at some
of the abroad-experiences. Just as the last time, main focus – even though not intentionally – was
on barriers that young people face accessing international opportunities.
Through this EGiA Focus Group we gathered information from mobile and non-mobile
students and absolvents about their perceptions on key topics.
The activity was organized online and participants were splitted into smaller working
groups when needed to discuss. Upon this, we came back into the whole-group call and
shared the conclusions, while the holders were visiting groups seeing if they understood
the assignment and tried to help when needed. This Focus Group had 21 participants
and during its lasting, various methodologies were used once again.
• Key questions: motivation to go abroad, a perfect destination and what does it mean,
different mobility opportunities, rights and freedoms of European citizens, barriers in
participating in a mobility and how to support mobilities, impacts of learning mobility and
how they benefit the student and others, role of International opportunities and promotion
of the upcoming European Parliament elections.
• During the whole time I was following the attached .ppt presentation created based on
recommended guidelines in the template presentation which was available to the
participants throughout the whole time.