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The Dziady campaign aimed at presenting idea of Dziady to the international students - a celebration during which a person called guĊ›larz was summoning the ghosts of the deceased ancestors. In turn, the All Saints Day campaign was to show about what this holiday is about, how Polish people spend it and what are their customs.


The project consisted of carrying out a campaign about the "Polish Halloween" - Dziady and the All Saints Day. In the Dziady campaign, we presented their origins, customs and how they were celebrated. In this way, we wanted to present the old Polish custom to foreign students who usually do not know about its existence when they come to Poland. In turn, in the campaign for All Saints Day, we explained what this day is, what people from Poland do then, and we introduced the day after it - All Souls' Day (pl. Zaduszki).

Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Showcase Cultural Heritage
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