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Students waiving multiple flags during an event
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Causes covered by this activity
Goal of the Activity

The goal of our events is to help students get to know the city and it's surroundings. 

Also we want to bring them together to find new friends and get to know other cultures, for this we organize different events like parties, trips, sports events and many more.


We published the event with this description:


Not a big party person?


No worries! For the first time this semester we have a splendid alternative for you!


This is Culture Creatures, a five day program of cultural events and activities.

You want to find friends for the term (and life) without partying for nine days?



The schedule features events like a city trip, an overnight stay in Regensburg, cultural events, a hike and several dinners – all of it with the same group for five consecutive days.


This is the precise program:


kickoff event with your group followed by a dinner

visiting a museum and going to a symphony concert

hiking in the Bavarian Alps (do not worry if you have no experience or gear, it will be an easy hike suited for all abilities)

travelling to Regensburg for an overnight stay with another dinner in the evening

finishing off with a trip to Nürnberg


The event fee covers everything listed above (including the two dinners with food and one drink each).


The application is to be done via the Microsoft form linked here.

If you are granted a spot, we will send you a personalised code that can be used to officialy sign up to this event. During the process you will also have to pay for the package.


The application will open on 11/09/2022 at 12:00 noon.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Showcase Cultural Heritage
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
This activity was organised by: