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Goal of the Activity

The goal of the activity was to show some part of the great cultural heritage of Parma with a tour of 4 museums of Parma


We booked and organized a tour of 4 different muesums of Parma:

- Castello dei burattini , a museum in which several puppets and marionette made by the Parmesan puppeteer Giordano Ferrari are exposed;
- The Taste exhibition, inside the Complex of San Paolo, where you'll have the possibility to discover the connection between Italians and good food ;
- Camera di San Paolo (or Camera della Badessa) painted by the artist Correggio , is considered to be one of the masterpieces of the late Italian Renaissance;
- We'll end with Palazzo Pigorini, which is now hosting an exhibition dedicated to the famous Spanish artist Goya  and the German painter Grosz.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Showcase Cultural Heritage
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
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