ESN Rimini decided to organize this day trip to permit to all of its international and erasmus student to visit and to enter in contact with the culture of one of the best city here in Italy, Bologna.
This day trip permitted also to create a good and chill atmosphere, a right way to know each other and share experiences.
Erasmus and International students, with three of our vounteers, left Rimini at 11.30 with a private bus.
Almost an hour later they were in Bologna, where firstly they have free time for lunch. in the afternoon they partecipated to a city tour organized by ESN Bologna section. It was pretty fun and interesting, people could learn something about the city and know about sectrects and carachteristics places.
In the evening, they have an Apericena in the centre of Bologna with some volunteers of ESN Bologna. They were perfect moments to know better each other and share ideas and experiences.
After that, they retourned in Rimini with a private bus.