
The main objective of this activity was to get international students and the elders from the Gran Via Park residence together in a fun and entertaining Bingo evening! We recently started collaborating with this Elderly Care Center and we aim to strengthen this synergy with these activities.
Firstly we created mixed groups with ESN volunteers, locals and international students and then played normal Bingo three times. After this, we played a different version of Bingo: a sort-of-international bingo! Instead of numbers, we put different places from around the world (around 80) and gave specific clues so that they could guess what place it was at each moment. The elders needed more help with this new version and our international students helped them a lot!
As with every activity we organize with our friends from the Gran Via Park residence, this activity was a huge success! All participants had loads of fun, learnt a bit about different places in the world and had an enjoyable time. Even some elders that don't usually want to play came and played with us!