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Goal of the Activity

The primary objective of the Beach Volley event is to promote physical activity and teamwork among Erasmus students. Through engaging in beach volleyball, swimming, and spikeball, we aim to encourage active participation in an informal and enjoyable environment. The event seeks to facilitate socialization and the formation of bonds among participants through sports activities, while also promoting a healthy and active lifestyle during their study abroad experience.


The Beach Volley event offers Erasmus students an opportunity for leisure and physical activity in a casual and relaxed beach setting. Throughout the day, participants will have the chance to engage in beach volleyball, swimming, and spikeball, fully immersing themselves in the summer atmosphere and enjoying direct contact with nature. The informal structure of the event, including the option to bring a packed lunch and enjoy some ice cream, fosters socialization and relaxation among participants.

Logo of the SDG Goal 3
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Mental Health & Well-Being
Physical Health & Well-Being
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