This activity had the aim to make students aware about the possibilities of inclusion and help they can find in Florence. In particular, Arcigay Firenze Altre Sponde is the right association to turn to in case of gender identity, sexual orientation, transition path, and talks about these subjects in general.
Arcigay is the main italian no-profit LGBTQIA+ association, so we decided to involve them in a Istagram compaign, in order to make Erasmus students aware about the possibilities of support and help this association has to offer.
Arcigay Firenze Altre Sponde is the association we have in Florence, and we contacted them to sent us some material to post, about al their activities. They have many services, so we decidede to pick some: meetings with hosts and associations, psychological counseling, and a safe zone where people can receive info and support for the transition path.
ESN Florentia posted on Istagram these info, and then a questionnaire. Meanwhile, we made some interacting IGstories, about sexual orientation and geneder identity, to have some personal answers.