Tha main goal of this event was to show the possibilities offered by mobility programs, such as Erasmus+ and Overworld; moreover, another goal was to give the opportunity to students from University of Parma to meet students that are now here living their experience of mobility, in order to ask them about their Universities and to make foreigners students become ambassador of their own home University.
The event was conducted by different Erasmus/Overworld students who decided to be Ambassador of their home University, explaining what it offers and what to live in their city means. The idea of the project was to make local students meet foreigners ones to get in contact and ask them information or sharing doubts about the location the University offers for mobility programs.
The speakers came from different countries in Europe, but participated also students from Brazil and USA. Moreover, the event was opened by the rector's delegate for international students and teaching staff mobility of the University of Parma and the Vice Rector with responsibility for teaching and student services.
At the event, our section had the possibility to show what we do and especially how ESN could help local students while going abroad for their mobility program.