Online Culture Online speed friending 19/01/2021 zoom Give incoming students an opportunity to get to know new ESN Rotterdam
Online Health & Well-being Yeşilay Seminar "Technology Addiction" 19/01/2021 zoom The goal of this activity is to raise awareness about ESN IUE
Environmental Sustainability Helping in an animal shelter with ESN Granada 19/01/2021 Granada , ES To raise awareness of the importance of not abandoning ESN Granada
Online Education & Youth Incoming Orientation Meeting with IED 19/01/2021 Google Meet Introducing ESN and, particularly, ESN Torino to the ESN Torino
Online Culture "Pub" Quiz #1 19/01/2021 Kahoot + Zoom The quizzes are organized monthly so and each quiz is ESN Vaasa
Education & Youth #ANGinRadio: podcast #1 with IONS Radio 18/01/2021 Foggia , IT In this time during which we had to suspend physical ESN Foggia and 1 other organisation
Online Culture Speed friending 17/01/2021 zoom Getting to know the new students virtually and helping them ESN Kalmar
Online Health & Well-being Mindfullness with ESN Delft: Introduction Session 17/01/2021 facebook and zoom To give students in introductory lesson in mindfullness just ESN Delft
Online Culture World Pizza Day 17/01/2021 Instagram On the occasion of Pizza Day celebration, our goal with this ESN Venezia
Online Culture Virtual Gaming night 17/01/2021 Discord server The goal is to create a casual and social environment for ESN Linköping
Skills & Employability Erasmus Olympic Games 16/01/2021 Dubrovnik , HR This time we have something completely different type of ESN Dubrovnik
Online Culture Workshop: Traditional Portuguese Food 16/01/2021 - 16/02/2021 ESN Porto Instagram Get to know a little more about Portuguese food; Promote our ESN Porto
Online Education & Youth Exchange Zone France with ESN AGH 16/01/2021 - 17/01/2021 Facebook/Instagram The goal of activity is to show polish students who are ESN AGH Cracow
Online Culture Explore Kalmar 16/01/2021 zoom Showing the new exchange students Kalmar virtually and ESN Kalmar
Online Health & Well-being online GAME NIGHT 15/01/2021 Discord Are you longing for some social contact, fun and some ESN Konstanz