Kahoot + Zoom
Make an activity to learn about international culture ! 
ESN Namur
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To create a challenge, that keeps students engaged into
Facebook / Instagram
Share tips, trivia and stories about physical and mental
ESN Venezia and 2 other organisations
To find motivation to cook creatively healthy, by cooking
ESN UOM Thessaloniki and 2 other organisations
Facebook / Instagram
Share tips, trivia and stories about physical and mental
ESN Venezia and 2 other organisations
To find motivation to cook creatively healthy, by cooking
ESN UOM Thessaloniki and 2 other organisations
Facebook / Instagram
Share tips, trivia and stories about physical and mental
ESN Venezia and 2 other organisations
To find motivation to cook creatively healthy, by cooking
ESN UOM Thessaloniki and 2 other organisations