Health & Well-being Volleybal + picnic 16/05/2023 Zwolle , NL Let students connect and promote physical activities ESN Zwolle
Culture Social Erasmus: city trip to Giethoorn 13/05/2023 Giethoorn , NL Showcase nature and cultural aspects of the Netherlands ESN Zwolle
Culture Karaoke Night 09/05/2023 Zwolle , NL Let the students conect while singing karaoke ESN Zwolle
Culture Board Game Night + 02/05/2023 Zwolle , NL giving students the opportunity to connect and play games ESN Zwolle
Culture Kings Games 22/04/2023 Zwolle , NL Letting the students get to know the typical Dutch culture ESN Zwolle
Culture party game night 18/04/2023 Zwolle , NL Give the international students an opurtunity to meet using ESN Zwolle
Culture Karaoke Night 04/04/2023 Zwolle , NL Integrate international students in the local community ESN Zwolle
Culture Craft beer night 28/03/2023 Zwolle , NL give international students the opportunity to meet each ESN Zwolle
Environmental Sustainability Multiculti Food Night 14/03/2023 Zwolle , NL Let students get to know each others cuisines while ESN Zwolle