Online Culture International Breakfast 19/04/2020 - 17/07/2020 Facebook / Instagram We tried to create an Instagram column that, thanks to the ESN Urbino
Online Education & Youth Linguistic Tandem 2.0 08/04/2020 - 31/10/2020 Skipe or Zoom As it was impossible to maintain a physical relationship ESN Urbino
Culture Culture Swap 21/02/2020 Urbino , IT The aim was the creation of an aggregative and intercultural ESN Urbino
Social Inclusion Erasmus Social Giveaway 31/01/2020 Urbino , IT The aim of this activity was to collect used clothes and ESN Urbino
Social Inclusion AperiBlind 29/11/2019 Urbino , IT The event aimed to raise people awareness on blindness. ESN Urbino
Education & Youth EUrope & ITaly 08/05/0024 - 08/05/2024 Urbino , IT We wanted to underline the importance of the European ESN Urbino