Health & Well-being LAZER TAG 26/03/2024 Patras , GR The aim of this event is to have fun playing Laser Tag ESN UOPA
Environmental Sustainability FOOD & CHILL 22/03/2024 Patras , GR The aim of this event is to become an intercultural meeting/ ESN UOPA
Culture KARAOKE Carnival Edition 12/03/2024 Patras , GR The goal of this activity was to bring all the Erasmus ESN UOPA
Environmental Sustainability Patras By Night 26/02/2024 Patras , GR The goal of this event is to get to know Patras' nightlife. ESN UOPA
Culture Meteora & Ioannina Trip 24/02/2024 - 25/02/2024 Ioannina , GR The goal of this event is for Erasmus students to get to ESN UOPA
Environmental Sustainability Flag Party 22/02/2024 Patras , GR The goal of this event was to celebrate the beginning of the ESN UOPA
Environmental Sustainability Taverna Day 21/02/2024 Patras , GR The aim of this event is… to taste the greek cuisine, ESN UOPA
Culture Ice-breaking Games 19/02/2024 Patras , GR The goal of this event is to play some games with the new ESN UOPA
Health & Well-being Treasure Hunt 18/02/2024 Patras , GR The goal of this event is for incoming students to get to ESN UOPA