Culture Visit to maritim museum of Cantabric sea. 24/03/2024 Santander , ES To get to know part of the historic-cultural offer of the ESN Santander
Education & Youth Solidarity Futbolin Tournament 23/03/2024 Santander , ES To get the ESN members, international students and local ESN Santander
Culture Spring Tandem 21/03/2024 Santander , ES That international students get to know each other a little ESN Santander
Culture Karaoke party 08/03/2024 Santander , ES To enjoy and meet new people and discover some spanish old ESN Santander
Culture Neon party 07/03/2024 Santander , ES Give a theme party where Erasmus students can characterize ESN Santander
Environmental Sustainability ME’EaT&Drink 29/02/2024 Santander , ES Get to know the city's gastronomic culture and meet new ESN Santander
Culture Flag party 29/02/2024 Santander , ES Promote cultural exchange among Erasmus students. ESN Santander
Environmental Sustainability Visit to MUPAC Museum 25/02/2024 Santander , ES Organize a visit to the Museum of Prehistory and Archaeology ESN Santander