Online Social Inclusion Speed Friending in the Dark 07/04/2021 zoom Imagine playing „guess who“ while also meeting new, ESN Osijek and 1 other organisation
Online Education & Youth Speed Friending in the Dark 07/04/2021 zoom As people, it is easier to create assumptions than spend the ESN Split and 2 other organisations
Health & Well-being Picnic Day 26/03/2021 Osijek , HR Both local and incoming students were invited to enjoy a ESN Osijek
Skills & Employability Local Platform of ESN Osijek 19/03/2021 Osijek , HR The goal of the Local Platform was to connect and develop ESN Osijek
Health & Well-being Sports day 11/03/2021 Osijek , HR Encouraging sport activities on a sunny day. ESN Osijek
Health & Well-being WW: Dog Shelter visit 07/03/2021 Osijek , HR Helping the local dog's shelter by walking the dogs. ESN Osijek
Culture WW: City Rally 04/03/2021 Osijek , HR Exploring and getting to know the city during our Welcome ESN Osijek
Culture WW: Movie night 03/03/2021 Osijek , HR Spending some time together and supporting a small local ESN Osijek
Online Culture WW: Games night 02/03/2021 Drawasaurus Creating enjoyable environment and getting to know each ESN Osijek