Culture Meet your Buddy 01/02/2024 Kaunas , LT At our Meet Your Buddy event, Erasmus students were ESN LSMU
Social Inclusion Speed friending 01/02/2024 Kaunas , LT Event Goal Achievement:*The Speedfriending event largely ESN LSMU
Culture Art Museum Visit 25/01/2024 Kaunas , LT *Event Goal Achievement:*The visit largely succeeded in its ESN LSMU
Culture CHRISTMAS FAREWELL 15/12/2023 Kaunas , LT The goal of the festive Christmas Eve celebration is to ESN LSMU
Education & Youth Ice Skating 14/12/2023 Kaunas , LT The goal of fostering social interaction and cultural ESN LSMU
Culture BOARD GAMES 13/12/2023 Kaunas , LT The goal of the board games event is to foster a sense of ESN LSMU and 1 other organisation
Culture Diversity in ESN LSMU 09/12/2023 Kaunas , LT Fostering Cultural Diversity, Bridging Cultures, and ESN LSMU
Social Inclusion World Aids Day 01/12/2023 Kaunas , LT The goal of World AIDS Day is to raise awareness about HIV ESN LSMU
Environmental Sustainability Pet shelter trip 26/11/2023 Kaunas , LT volunteering to help care for the animals, raising awareness ESN LSMU and 1 other organisation