Culture Seaside trip 04/05/2024 - 05/05/2024 Klaipeda , LT To promote integration into the local society by showcasing ESN KK
Education & Youth Day in a museum 28/04/2024 Vilnius , LT For the students to have a chance to visit a Lithuanian ESN Vilnius University
Health & Well-being Pub Quiz 28/04/2024 Vilnius , LT The goal of the pub quiz is to entertain and engage ESN Vilnius University
Social Inclusion ESN BBQ 27/04/2024 Vilnius , LT The goal of the ESN BBQ is to bring together members of the ESN Vilnius University
Education & Youth Homestead team building 27/04/2024 - 28/04/2024 Vosiskiai , LT The goal of our "Homestead Harmony" team-building event is ESN KK
Social Inclusion FIFA TOURNAMENT 27/04/2024 Kaunas , LT 🌟⚽ Get ready for the ultimate showdown on the virtual pitch! ESN KTU and 1 other organisation
Environmental Sustainability Tote bag painting 26/04/2024 Kaunas , LT Allowing self-expression through art, encouraging waste ESN VMU
Health & Well-being Hiking 26/04/2024 Vilnius , LT The hiking event aimed to bring international students ESN MRU Vilnius
Education & Youth UNDERSTANDING SUBSTANCE USE: MYTHS AND FACTS 24/04/2024 Kaunas , LT The goal of the interactive seminar "Understanding Substance ESN LSMU and 1 other organisation