Health & Well-being Meet Your Buddy 13/09/2024 Kaunas , LT Using a buddy system where each Erasmus student is paired ESN LSMU
Health & Well-being Mentors meet 13/09/2024 Kaunas , LT We will have some activities and you will have opportunity ESN KTU
Culture Movie Night 12/09/2024 Kaunas , LT To provide an opportunity for students to spend a relaxing ESN LSMU
Education & Youth International Evening 11/09/2024 Vilnius , LT The goal of an International Evening is to celebrate ESN MRU Vilnius
Culture Pub Crawl 10/09/2024 Kaunas , LT To show the Erasmus students around the city on a walking ESN LSMU
Environmental Sustainability Kayaking 08/09/2024 Kaunas , LT For participants to explore the city in an alternative way ESN LSMU
Culture Treasure Hunt 07/09/2024 Vilnius , LT The goal of a treasure hunt activity is to engage ESN MRU Vilnius
Culture Pub crawl 07/09/2024 Kaunas , LT Grab your friends, meet new people, and discover some of the ESN KTU
Culture Beverage pong 06/09/2024 - 06/10/2024 Kaunas , LT Friendly competition to meet people and the possibility to ESN LSMU and 1 other organisation