Culture Discovering Italy 17/09/2021 - 10/12/2021 Milano , IT Show something more about Italian culture and language to ESN Politecnico Milano
Online Education & Youth InfoDay Erasmus+ Traineeship 15/09/2021 Microsoft Teams The aim was to present our association and the erasmus ESN Macerata
Culture City Tour - Pisa 15/09/2021 Pisa , IT The goals of the activity were: helping International ESN Pisa
Education & Youth International Mobility 15/09/2021 - 20/09/2021 Pavia , IT We hosted some members of ESN Iasi in Pavia for 5 days. We ESN STEP Pavia and 1 other organisation
Environmental Sustainability Bike Tour in Milan 14/09/2021 - 14/10/2021 Milan , IT The main goal of the activity was to show the cyclable parts ESN Milano Unicatt
Culture Welcome City Tour 14/09/2021 - 21/09/2021 Verona , IT The goal is to show our city to the incoming international ESN ASE Verona
Culture Pavia City Tour 14/09/2021 Pavia , IT We had the possibility to show the beauties of our city and ESN STEP Pavia
Culture Tandem Night: Meet Your Buddy 13/09/2021 Pavia , IT The students, just arrived in the city, had the possibility ESN STEP Pavia