Culture International Party 03/03/2024 Padova , IT To have international students share their culinary culture ESN Padova
Culture Milan city tour 03/03/2024 Milan , IT Welcome international students in our city and showcase the ESN Milano Statale
Culture GAM (Modern Art Gallery) 03/03/2024 Milano , IT Getting to know the main Milanese Art Gallery of the 19th ESN Milano IULM
Culture Museum Day - Palazzo Reale 03/03/2024 Genova , IT The aim of the activity was to dive into the history and ESN GEG Genova
Culture PIzza Night - WD 2023/24 II Semester 03/03/2024 Pescara , IT The goal of the activity was to create a space for the ESN Chieti Pescara
Culture Museum Tour 03/03/2024 Milan , IT The goal of the activity was to show the precious arts ESN Milano Unicatt
Environmental Sustainability Daytrip to Venafro 03/03/2024 Venafro , IT to showcase to the foreign students some of the hidden gems ESN Unimol
Health & Well-being Sports day with CUS Ancona 03/03/2024 Ancona, , IT foster physical well being ESN Ancona
Culture Siracusa Trip 03/03/2024 Siracusa , IT To lead (and share with) the erasmus and international ESN Catania and 1 other organisation