Skills & Employability WW: Visit to the Local Brewery Mali div 07/10/2021 Osijek , HR The goal of this event was to introduce local family brewery ESN Osijek
Education & Youth Buddy Meeting 07/10/2021 Zagreb , HR Interaction of local and international students ESN Zagreb
Social Inclusion WW: ESN Karaoke! 06/10/2021 Osijek , HR An opportunity for incoming students and locals to meet each ESN Osijek
Environmental Sustainability WW: Zero waste terrarium 06/10/2021 Osijek , HR The main aim of the activity was to learn how to make a zero ESN Osijek
Culture WW: History tour with Kulen Travel 05/10/2021 Osijek , HR Introducing basic historical background of the most famous ESN Osijek
Education & Youth WW: Meet my ESN 04/10/2021 Osijek , HR Introducing work and aim of ESN to the new incoming students ESN Osijek
Culture Trip to Zadar 02/10/2021 - 03/10/2021 Zadar , HR The main goal is to show beauties of Croatia to ESN Split