Culture Apéro buddy 29/03/2024 Brussels , BE Organizing a "buddy apero" through the Erasmus Student ESN ICHEC ECAM Brussels
Culture ESN Geel goes Paas TD 28/03/2024 Geel , BE To show international students a traditional way of partying ESN Geel
Culture Fusion Fiesta 28/03/2024 Leuven , BE Host a party for the international students to get to know ESN Leuven and 1 other organisation
Culture Apéro x CSL 27/03/2024 Bruxelles , BE The goal is for local students to meet Erasmus students ESN Saint-Louis Brussels
Health & Well-being Weekly Jogging 27/03/2024 Liège , BE Our goal is to offer a free weekly sports activity to ESN ULiège
Environmental Sustainability International cantus 27/03/2024 Gent , BE cantus ESN Gent and 1 other organisation
Health & Well-being OHL Stadium Tour 27/03/2024 Heverlee , BE Show international students the stadium of OH Leuven ESN Leuven