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Image of a compostable cup

International mobility has a costly impact on the environment due to frequent travelling. ESN aims at reducing this impact by organising greener activities and by raising awareness among international students.


ESN's light blue color in the background, faded on top of the colour is a group of people laughing and having fun, while exploring a city. ESN crawl is written in the middle of the picture.

Budapest , HU

Embarking on a journey at Buda, getting to know local get


Environmental Sustainability

Image of a compostable cup

Siena , IT

The goal of the activity was to make Erasmus students feel


Environmental Sustainability


Urbino , IT

the objective of the event was to use material that we

ESN Urbino

Environmental Sustainability

Running with ESN

Trondheim , NO

🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️Get ready for a run on November 29th! 🕡 at 16

ESN Trondheim