Besides having been a member of the Stakeholders’ Committee of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018, ESN organises hundreds of cultural activities every year. The promotion of intercultural understanding is at the core of ESN’s mission.
Florence , IT
We had the possibility to let the students know one of the
ESN STEP Pavia and 1 other organisation
Budapest , HU
The Changemakers Youth Forum (CYF) is an international
ESN Hungary and 5 other organisations
Říčany , CZ
Raise awareness of environmental issues  
ESN VUT Brno and 1 other organisation
Milan , IT
Introducing the Erasmus students to the lives of homeless
ESN Politecnico Milano and 1 other organisation
Budapest , HU
The Changemakers Youth Forum (CYF) is an international
ESN Hungary and 5 other organisations