
The goal of the event was to educate participants about wheel chair users' needs and expectations ineveryday life, but especially in work environments.
ESN Corvinus joined forces with a university project called Wheel Talk to organise this event about the dos and don’ts of disability, focusing on the misbeliefs and taboos regarding people with mobility impairments and the basic etiquette considered appropriate when interacting with people with disabilities.
To be able to give the opportunity to people who use wheelchairs to be heard, instead of just speaking in their name, we invited Zoli Fenyvesi, famous Hungarian influencer, runner, motivational speaker and amateur actor to share with us his point of view and his experiences and thoughts about how he likes to be treated by others.
After the discussion, we also had a short question round where participants could ask their questions from Zoli.
We declared the activity a success, because participants were actively participating during the question round, and Zoli was very open about his situation and circumstances.