

The visits (7 in total) aimed at presenting some of the famous areas of Paris while sharing their history.
The visits were in different districts of Paris while discovering their small secrets and history.
Monday : visit of “Montmartre”
Tuesday : visit of “Les passages couverts”
Wednesday : visit of “quartier de Saint-Germain des Près”
Thursday : visite of “l’Île de la Cité” then “Bastille”
Friday : visit of “Quartier Latin”
Saturday : Visit of “XIXieme arrondissement”
Sunday : visit of “Le Marais”
During the visits the group walked around while one of the members of ESN Paris shared interesting information about the places.
Participants learnt all the secrets of the beautiful not-so-well-known places of Paris. The visits were short and very informative with exciting details, and helped the international students place themselves in Paris and discover the city.