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Students with electronic devices
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Causes covered by this activity
Type of activity
Goal of the Activity

To improve organization and cooperation skills of our volunteers, and better understand the importance of each board member and board supporter


In order to test the communicative and team board skills of some of our volunteers who wanted to apply, in the future, to the role of board members, we created this activity. The actual board members opened the application for each role to the ESN Siena GES staff. Three volunteers applied to the roles of president, secretary and communication manager for the association. A whatsapp group has been created, with the actual board members and board supporters, plus the candidates. During a google meet call, the actual board explain the work that should be done by the candidates, who, for one week, need to take in place the board members and work together to organize activities such as: recruting for new member, welcome week for the international students and other ordinary actions such as find some partners for the organization of activity (the president), call the assembly of the members (the secretary) or create graphics for the events (the communication manager). The candidates could work and exchange informations on the whatsapp groups, and organize board meetings online. At the end of the activity, the candidates showed great improvement in terms of organization and cooperation, and appreciate better each role. 

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Entrepreneurship & Career Development
Recognition of Skills
This activity was organised by: