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Students waiving multiple flags during an event
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Objective / Goal of the activity

To introduce the traditional games of Greece which we played as kids and learn the traditional games of different countries.


We met at the Panteion gym in order to have the space we needed in order to play each game and in case we needed some additional equipment other than some balls we had bought. Firstly, we played the basic Greek traditional games and then we asked each Erasmus student to suggest a game from his/her own country. Some of them had already suggested some games in a Google form which was uploaded along with event and because of this we were also prepared, i.e. making sure we have the equipment needed. During the event, we played about 5 games, some of them more than once, and overall we stayed there for about 2 and a half hours.

Result of the activity

Both Erasmus students and ESNers were introduced to foreign traditional games. However, most of the games we played were Greek but the Erasmus students told us that some of these games were similar to the ones they played as kids in their own country. The only drawback was that not many Erasmus students showed up but overall we all had a great time.

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