
The goal of the activity was to raise awareness about people with disabilities, especially blind people and how they enjoy food. We wanted to change from the usual dinner in the dark so et tried a tea time moment.
We all appreciate the beauty of food. Indeed aren’t we the first ones to take pictures of our plates to post it on Instagram? But what if you came with us to experience a new way of eating?
When we lose sight, our body develops its other senses: touch, smell but mostly taste! ESN Montpellier and les Demoiselles de Montpellier propose you to come test these new sensations around a table with some little cakes and a hot beverage !
(The cakes are gluten and dairy free, and can be vegan on demand)
The international students were delighted with the experience, and also we created an inter generational moment because older people heard about the activity and came with us. A discussion between the international students and locals was created and the activity was a success.