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Some organizers of the different organizations and some participants
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Causes covered by this activity
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Goal of the Activity

Encourage the exchange of objects/clothes to reduce waste in a social context


Swap Party is an Environmental Sustainability event, in collaboration with many local organizations, that took place at the Circolo ARCI Alberone in Pisa. The event included an initial phase of collecting and dividing clothes brought by people and then a second phase during which the actual exchange began. Anyone could take the number of items/objects they wanted without necessarily leaving any in exchange. The aim of the event is to reduce waste and promote sustainable behaviors such as reuse

Logo of the SDG Goal 11 Logo of the SDG Goal 12 Logo of the SDG Goal 13
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Fostering Circular Economy
Fighting Climate Crisis
Reducing Waste and Promoting Recycling
This activity was organised by:
Legambiente Pisa
Greenpeace Gruppo Locale Pisa
Arci Pisa
ArteMigrante Pisa