
The main objective of this activity was to get international students and the elders from the Gran Via Park residence together in an outdoors activity. We have recently started collaborating with this Elderly Care Center and we aim to strengthen this synergy with these activities.
We picked up the elders in their residence and then took them to the rooftop of the famous mall "Las Arenas", where we enjoyed the views and the sunset from them, as well as had some hot chocolate and 'melindros', a typical pastry in Spain. The elders were super happy because most of them had never been there, even though the residence is just a few blocks away.
This activity did not have a huge amount of local and volunteering participants, but it was a huge success amongst the ones that did come. The elders were very happy and so were the international students. No matter how small an activity is, we did create a social impact and that is the most important thing!