Students meet at a "Stammtisch" to get together
Hey you đ€©
We are inviting you to our first Stammtisch of the season!!
StammÂtisch, der
- (meist gröĂerer) Tisch in einer GaststĂ€tte, an dem ein Kreis von StammgĂ€sten regelmĂ€Ăig zusammenkommt und der fĂŒr diese GĂ€ste meist reserviert ist
- (usually larger) table in a restaurant/bar at which a circle of regulars regularly meets and which is usually reserved for these guests.
If you want to come to our regularly meetup and be part of our Stammtisch, join us at the below mentioned date at 8pm. For the event we will be alternating bars and this time we will go to the bar mentioned below.
Hope to meet many of you there ;)