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Squid GamESN
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Venezia Ve
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Causes covered by this activity
Goal of the Activity

In the wake of the success of the Korean TV series Squid Game, we decided to organize a "home-grown" version of the challenges the characters faced on the show. The goal was to have fun, have a laugh and, at the same time, keep fit by competing outdoors and in nature.


We have assigned each participant an identification number. In some challenges the participants competed against everyone, for others they were divided into two teams. The games proposed were:

1. Green Light / Red Light (complete with the hypnotic song made famous by the series);

2. Tug of war;

3. The so-called "Handkerchief game";

4. An improvised version of the biscuit game present in the series, consisting in this case in tracing the perfect shape of the Mulino Bianco cracker mill;

5. "Poisoned ball";

6. The traditional German game Flunkyball.

At the end of the challenges, a winner was named based on the points earned in the various games. The prize, as in the series, consisted of money, although it was chocolate.

Logo of the SDG Goal 3
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Physical Health & Well-Being
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