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ESN Salsa Dance Workshop
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Goal of the Activity

Parties and Socializing, Workshops and Trainings, Trips and Tours, Games and Challenges


Hola! Are you ready to move your hips? Becasue something exotic awaits you

Our amazing partner Havanamoderna brings to you a Salsa dancing class!

Straight out of sunny Cuba you will see our energetic teacher can make everybody move

Previous experience is not needed as everything will be taught on spot. So, what’s left? Grab your friends, good mood and come join us!



WHAT: ESN Salsa Dance Workshop

WHEN: Wednesday 8th of March, 17:00

WHERE: Havanamoderna (Veerenni 29/1, 10135 Tallinn)

HOW MUCH: 5€ with ESNcard, 10€ without ESNcard


ESN Tallinn, ESN TLU IC, ESN TalTech IC & Havanamoderna


NB! If you do not feel well then stay at home!! This is to keep everyone safe!

PS! By attending this event you automatically give us permission to take pictures and use them for promotional purposes in the future.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
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