
Goal of the activity is to cook and have fun!
Looking to meet new friends and enjoy a night filled with delicious food and fun? The ESN Darmstadt Running Dinner is the perfect event for you!
You can sign up in a team of two or individually (we will assign you a teammate). Each team will have to prepare either appetizer/starter, main course or dessert. The meal you prepare is for 6 people (Your team and two guest teams of 2 people each) and you will eat it at your own place. The other two meals will be at other peoples’ homes. So, you have to prepare one meal for 6 people and you will eat two other meals other teams have cooked.
After that, we will conclude the running dinner by gathering at a bar or club, so that you can socialize with all the participants.
Regarding the payment:
You will pay 5€ (out of which 4.50€ is deposit) for the registration. The deposit of 4.50€ will be refunded within the next days after you have attended the event. Also, you will have to pay for your own groceries.
Please note that you won't get your money back if you cancel after the 9th of December. If you cancel before, you will get 4.50€ back due to a cancellation fee.
If you are hosting, your place should be in Darmstadt!
When? 16th December, 17:30 (Registration deadline 9th December)
Where? Anywhere in Darmstadt
Why? It's a great way to explore different neighbourhoods, taste diverse dishes, and make new friends.
How much? 5€ (out of which 4.50€ will be refunded)