
Our goal was to take our Erasmus students to the Slovak nature, show them our region. As we decided to relate the whole trip to the National Holiday, it also had an aim to educate students about Slovak history a little bit.
Revolution hiking tour in Mala Fatra National Park & Terchova village. This will be guided tour in cooperation with our friend Marek from Carpathia Tours. Why revolution tour? Well ..that weekend we commemorated the anniversary of the Velvet Revolution in 1989. It is exactly 30 years since this event started the end of communism era in Czechoslovakia.
4 hours of hiking including the most famous canyons of Mala Fatra National Park – Janosikove diery
- Chata na Gruni – mountain challet atmosphere
- Best of Terchova village life
The students who attended had a nice trip to the beautiful region of Malá Fatra.
This trip included
- a little hike to chata Grúň, which is a ski resort during the winter season,
- tour to Jánošík canoyns,
- visit of a museum in Terchová (small village with a very traditional way of life, place full of legends),
- meeting local people in Terchová,
- typical Slovak dinner to finish the day perfectly.
The section cooperation was perfect! One section organised the trip and the other motivated their students to join, so they could see a different region of Slovakia to the one where their Erasmus is taking place.