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Students with electronic devices
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Causes covered by this activity
Type of activity
Goal of the activity

The goal of this activity was to promote Portuguese culture within the international student population, as well as providing them with a few hours of fun while cooking and trying typical Portuguese dishes.

Learning Objective for the participants

The participants learned how to make three different traditional Portuguese dishes: 'caldo verde' (green soup), 'arroz de tamboril' (monkfish rice) and 'natas do céu' (heavenly cream).

Result of the activity

The workshop was promoted on our Facebook and Instagram pages (on Instagram via instastories) a couple of days before with the description of the activity and a list of ingredients, so that anyone who wished to join would have time to plan a supermarket trip to buy anything they needed.

A day later, the detailed instructions on how to make the three recipes were shared on our Instagram and Facebook pages.

On the last day, a video in the form of IGTV was posted on our Instagram page, where an ESN Coimbra member cooked 'arroz de tamboril' in an instructional style.

Overall, the video and the recipes were well-received by the students, whose comments were encouraging (some said they were going to try cooking along with their flatmates and friends). These recipes even reached former mobility students, which was something we did not expect.

This activity was organised by: